TriggerFoam Pro - All Season Polyurethane Expanding Foam

TriggerFoam Pro is a one part polyurethane expanding foam with an extended temperture range which sets into its final form by using moisture present in the air. When installing the foam, consideration should be given to the 2-3 times expansion of the foam after it leaves the nozzle. The surface of the foam initially dries within 1-4 hours and becomes fully cured in 12-15 hours. Extended application temperature range allows use at temperatures as low as 23єF (-5єC). May be used at 14єF (-10єC) if can is stored at 77єF (25єC) for 8 hours before use. TriggerFoam Pro sets well on ordinary surfaces such as concrete, brick, metal, etc. Surfaces do not require preparation and can also be damp. After installation, it is recommended that a full 24 hours elapse prior to scraping, sanding, staining or painting. The foam has a R-5 equivalent value when used in place of traditional installation methods. TriggerFoam Pro is dispensed through a special gun that allows the user to control the rate of flow as well as the size of the bead for more precise placement of the product, allowing it to be used in a wide variety of applications. Use it to fill, seal or insulate. It blocks drafts, stops leaks, saves energy, adheres to all types of construction materials, deadens sound, acts as a buoyancy material once cured, control radon, helps confine asbestos fibers, and can be used in HVAC applications.

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EN CAEN CAFR FR SP 02/04/2024