PFM2231500 Hangermate® For Steel - Acoustical Ceiling Screw Eyelet Rod Hanging Anchors for Steel

HangerMate is an all steel threaded fastening system for suspending steel threaded rod vertically overhead in pipe hanging, fire protection, electrical conduit and cable-tray applications. They are available in versions which can be installed in a variety of base materials including steel purlins, bar joists and beams, wood frame columns and beams, as well as concrete ceilings, beams and columns. Steel threaded rods in 1/4” and 3/8" diameters can be vertically suspended with HangerMate (a 1/2" diameter size is also available for wood). They are also offered in a side mount style for lateral installation of 1/4" and 3/8" diameter steel threaded rods onto joists, columns and overhead members. For all steel and wood hangers, a HangerMate Socket Driver is recommended to provide proper installation with a drill screw gun. For concrete hangers, a powered impact tool with a maximum impact wrench power of 120 ft-lb is recommended.A pivot head version is also available for flexible connection angle and positioning of rod hangers. An acoustical ceiling eyelet version is also available for hanging wire or cable attachments.

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